This app contains the best guided mindfulness meditation audio curated for maximum relaxation, fight stress, anxiety, panic attack, procrastination and gives you clarity and peace of mind. This can be used for everyone from beginners to those who practice mindfulness regularly.
Mindfulness Guide app includes:
- 5 minutes Breathing meditation for beginners
-12 minutes intermediate breath, sound and body scan meditation
- 19 minutes Complete Meditation for advanced users
- 9 minutes and 20 minutes versions of Loving and Kindness Meditation
- 7 Minutes meditation for working with difficulties
-3 minutes short body scan and body and sound meditation guide
- 27 minutes guided sitting practice meditation
- 13 minutes body scan for sleep for sleep-deprived users
This Mindfulness Guide app sessions are all free to use. No monthly subscription. No in-app purchasing. No none sense and minimalist design.
Additional bonus sessions are music background for sleep.
And there's more! 3 high quality spa music for relaxation and reflection.
Sample Transcript is written below:
Breathing Meditation (5:31)
Find a relaxed, comfortable position
Seated on a chair or on the floor, on a cushion
Keep your back upright, but not too tight
Hands resting wherever they're comfortable
Tongue on the roof of your mouth or wherever it's comfortable.
And you can notice your body
From the inside
Noticing the shape of your body, the weight, touch
And let yourself relax
And become curious about your body
Seated here
The sensations of your body
The touch
The connection with the floor
The chair
Relax any areas of tightness or tension
Just breathe
And now begin to tune into your breath
In your body
Feeling the natural flow of breath
Don't need to do anything to your breath
Not long not short just natural
And notice where you feel your breath in your body
It might be in your abdomen
It may be in your chest or throat
Or in your nostrils
See if you can feel the sensations of breath
One breath at a time
When one breath ends, the next breath begins
Now as you do this you might notice that your mind might start to wander
You might start thinking about other things
If this happens this is not a problem
It's very natural
Just notice that your mind has wandered
You can say "thinking" or "wandering" in your head softly
And then gently redirect your attention right back to the breathing
So we'll stay with this for some time in silence
Just a short time
Noticing our breath
From time to time getting lost in thought and returning to our breath
See if you can be really kind to yourself in the process
And once again you can notice your body, your whole body, seated here
Let yourself relax even more deeply
And then offer yourself some appreciation
For doing this practice today
Whatever that means to you
Finding a sense of ease and well being for yourself and this day
[bell rings]
Aplikasi ini berisi audio meditasi kesadaran yang terbaik dipandu dikuratori untuk relaksasi maksimal, melawan stres, kecemasan, serangan panik, penundaan dan memberikan kejelasan dan ketenangan pikiran. Ini dapat digunakan untuk semua orang dari pemula untuk mereka yang berlatih kesadaran secara teratur.
Mindfulness Panduan aplikasi meliputi:
- 5 menit Pernapasan meditasi untuk pemula
-12 menit menengah napas, suara dan memindai tubuh meditasi
- 19 menit Lengkap Meditasi untuk pengguna tingkat lanjut
- 9 menit dan 20 menit versi Kasih dan Kebaikan Meditasi
- 7 Menit meditasi untuk bekerja dengan kesulitan
memindai tubuh -3 menit pendek dan tubuh dan panduan meditasi suara
- 27 menit dipandu meditasi duduk praktek
- 13 menit tubuh memindai tidur untuk pengguna kurang tidur
sesi aplikasi Mindfulness Panduan ini semua bebas untuk digunakan. Tidak ada berlangganan bulanan. Tidak ada pembelian di-app. Tidak ada rasa tidak ada dan desain minimalis.
sesi bonus tambahan latar belakang musik untuk tidur.
Dan masih ada lagi! music spa 3 kualitas tinggi untuk relaksasi dan refleksi.
Transkrip sampel yang tertulis di bawah:
Breathing Meditasi (5:31)
Cari santai, posisi yang nyaman
Duduk di kursi atau di lantai, di atas bantal
Menjaga punggung Anda tegak, tapi tidak terlalu ketat
Tangan bertumpu di mana pun mereka merasa nyaman
Lidah pada langit-langit mulut Anda atau di mana pun itu nyaman.
Dan Anda dapat melihat tubuh Anda
Dari dalam
Melihat bentuk tubuh Anda, berat badan, sentuh
Dan biarkan diri Anda rileks
Dan menjadi ingin tahu tentang tubuh Anda
duduk di sini
Sensasi tubuh Anda
Koneksi dengan lantai
Bersantai setiap bidang sesak atau ketegangan
hanya bernapas
Dan sekarang mulai tune ke napas Anda
Di dalam tubuh Anda
Merasa aliran alami napas
Tidak perlu melakukan apapun untuk napas Anda
Tidak lama tidak singkat hanya alami
Dan melihat di mana Anda merasa napas Anda dalam tubuh Anda
Mungkin di perut Anda
Mungkin di dada atau tenggorokan
Atau di lubang hidung Anda
Lihat apakah Anda dapat merasakan sensasi nafas
Satu napas pada suatu waktu
Ketika satu nafas berakhir, napas berikutnya dimulai
Sekarang Anda melakukan ini, Anda mungkin melihat bahwa pikiran Anda mungkin mulai mengembara
Anda mungkin mulai berpikir tentang hal-hal lain
Jika ini terjadi ini bukan masalah
Ini sangat alami
Hanya melihat bahwa pikiran Anda berkelana
Anda dapat mengatakan "berpikir" atau "berkeliaran" di kepala Anda dengan lembut
Dan kemudian dengan lembut mengarahkan perhatian Anda segera kembali ke pernapasan
Jadi kita akan tinggal dengan ini untuk beberapa waktu dalam keheningan
Hanya dalam waktu singkat
Melihat napas kami
Dari waktu ke waktu tersesat dalam pemikiran dan kembali ke napas kami
Lihat apakah Anda dapat benar-benar baik kepada diri sendiri dalam proses
Dan sekali lagi anda bisa melihat tubuh Anda, seluruh tubuh Anda, duduk disini
Biarkan diri Anda bersantai bahkan lebih dalam
Dan kemudian menawarkan diri beberapa penghargaan
Untuk melakukan latihan ini hari ini
Apapun yang berarti bagi Anda
Menemukan rasa kemudahan dan kesejahteraan untuk diri sendiri dan hari ini
[bel berdering]
This app contains the best guided mindfulness meditation audio curated for maximum relaxation, fight stress, anxiety, panic attack, procrastination and gives you clarity and peace of mind. This can be used for everyone from beginners to those who practice mindfulness regularly.
Mindfulness Guide app includes:
- 5 minutes Breathing meditation for beginners
-12 minutes intermediate breath, sound and body scan meditation
- 19 minutes Complete Meditation for advanced users
- 9 minutes and 20 minutes versions of Loving and Kindness Meditation
- 7 Minutes meditation for working with difficulties
-3 minutes short body scan and body and sound meditation guide
- 27 minutes guided sitting practice meditation
- 13 minutes body scan for sleep for sleep-deprived users
This Mindfulness Guide app sessions are all free to use. No monthly subscription. No in-app purchasing. No none sense and minimalist design.
Additional bonus sessions are music background for sleep.
And there's more! 3 high quality spa music for relaxation and reflection.
Sample Transcript is written below:
Breathing Meditation (5:31)
Find a relaxed, comfortable position
Seated on a chair or on the floor, on a cushion
Keep your back upright, but not too tight
Hands resting wherever they're comfortable
Tongue on the roof of your mouth or wherever it's comfortable.
And you can notice your body
From the inside
Noticing the shape of your body, the weight, touch
And let yourself relax
And become curious about your body
Seated here
The sensations of your body
The touch
The connection with the floor
The chair
Relax any areas of tightness or tension
Just breathe
And now begin to tune into your breath
In your body
Feeling the natural flow of breath
Don't need to do anything to your breath
Not long not short just natural
And notice where you feel your breath in your body
It might be in your abdomen
It may be in your chest or throat
Or in your nostrils
See if you can feel the sensations of breath
One breath at a time
When one breath ends, the next breath begins
Now as you do this you might notice that your mind might start to wander
You might start thinking about other things
If this happens this is not a problem
It's very natural
Just notice that your mind has wandered
You can say "thinking" or "wandering" in your head softly
And then gently redirect your attention right back to the breathing
So we'll stay with this for some time in silence
Just a short time
Noticing our breath
From time to time getting lost in thought and returning to our breath
See if you can be really kind to yourself in the process
And once again you can notice your body, your whole body, seated here
Let yourself relax even more deeply
And then offer yourself some appreciation
For doing this practice today
Whatever that means to you
Finding a sense of ease and well being for yourself and this day
[bell rings]